A Good Word- A Blog From Executive Director Matt Berryman

You Mean So Much To Me…

Are you someone who loves doing for others?  What motivates you to go the extra mile for someone?
Perhaps in your relationship or marriage, with your family and friends, you are the person who hears them speak about something they would really enjoy or like, and you make that happen. Because you listen closely to the needs of your loved one, you hear her say, “gosh that picture is so beautiful – I would love have it framed, it would look so wonderful,” and a little bell rings in your head and you have it framed and you give it to your delighted friend or loved one.  
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of this kind of giving, you know how loved and cared for it makes you feel. When someone we love goes out of their way, listens deeply, and gives to us in this manner it inspires the most cherished human feelings and emotions within us. We often feel that we are a significant priority in their life and that they deeply care about who we are. In short, we feel so loved.
I want to advocate for more of this kind of giving in our lives as Christians.  Maybe it’s a note in the lunchbox of your school-age child so that when they open their lunch to eat, they read, “I couldn’t have asked for a better son”. – Love, Dad. Or, maybe you make the reservations you know would delight your spouse because you’ve listened to her talk about it. This is the kind of giving that can save relationships, can demonstrate that someone is a priority in your life, and overcome hard feelings.  In short, this kind of giving can redeem.
Gift giving is at the heart of the Christian faith. In fact, the scriptures witness to God’s giving to us from the first creative word that brings us life, to the entire witness of Jesus, and God’s promises to be with us and to never let us go – not even in death.
Planned Giving is the same kind of giving – thoughtful, considerate, joyous, selfless, and redemptive. It is for the sake of others and not about us. It is a way of giving that we may use to express our faith in the God who gives to us.  This kind of giving not only provides enrichment to those in need, but it provides care for the soul of the giver. It changes us for the better. It feels good and it does good.
If you’ve been looking for a way to grow, to help, to show how much you care, and to do yourself and others some real good, consider a planned gift with Episcopal Charities.  And, if you’ve got a minute today, look around you. Who in your life can you give to and let them know how much you care?

Matt Berryman
Executive Director
Episcopal Charities

Jonathan Grant