Autumn Soiree 2024 Photos
Thanks to everyone who came out to our annual Autumn Soiree on September 27th. Your presence and generosity helped make the night a huge success!
On September 27th over 200 friends of Episcopal Charities gathered from across Northern Illinois to celebrate the work of Episcopal Charities. Bishop Paula Clark opened the evening in prayer, The Chicago Community Chorus entertained and inspired us, our Executive Director Matt Berryman invited us to consider what really matters most in life, and then we danced the night away!
We are so grateful for all of those who came out to support our grantees and our emerging strategic work: making sure that our migrant and asylum-seeking neighbors are housed and cared for as they relocate to our region.
Photos from the night and the photobooth are available to download here:
It is also not too late to give! You can help ensure the ongoing success of charitable projects throughout Northern Illinois by giving here: